Narcotics Testing and Surface Inspections based out of Carthage, MO, and available nationally.
Springfield Quality Services provides narcotic surface testing based out of Carthage, MO, and available nationally.

Springfield Quality Services provides narcotics testing for meth and fentanyl contamination on surfaces in residential and commercial buildings.
Methamphetamine and fentanyl production involves dangerous chemicals considered harmful to people. Residue from the creation process can often remain on surfaces for months or even years.
Home inspections and screenings are done to find any potential contamination from narcotics production or use in the dwelling. They do not apply to situations where there is evidence of a meth lab.
How narcotics production impacts homes and their residents
The chemicals that are used to make meth and fentanyl become airborne where they are produced, making it seep into walls, floors, carpet, appliances, and other things in the home. The chemicals can be spilled onto the floor as well.
Narcotic production has caused billions of dollars in damage to homes and is a significant health hazard.
Once meth or fentanyl production in a home is discovered, the home can also become permanently closed and cannot be entered.
Narcotic testing on surfaces
There are two main kinds of sampling those conducting home inspection services use: on-site sampling or analyzing samples in a lab. It is also an option to do a combination of these types of sampling.
You can find narcotics testing kits online but read them thoroughly since the quality between kits can vary.
Take caution when entering or investigating any property where meth or fentanyl may have been used or produced since exposure to hazards is potential. Any company with employees that conduct home inspection services must comply with the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration rules and regulations.
Document things such as:
- Inspector’s name, signature, and the inspection date
- Property’s address and legal description
- Take pictures of the property
- Areas where hazardous chemicals were stored, used, disposed of, or cooked. Note where the disposed waste is housed and any stains from chemicals or fires
- Inspect surfaces, furnishings, and appliances, including the HVAC system,
- Inspect plumbing, septic, and sewer systems since methamphetamine can dump liquid chemicals into them
- Inspect other spaces such as garages, barns, and burn pits.
Contact Us!
If you suspect your rental house or new home may be contaminated, Springfield Quality Services’ narcotics testing can put your mind at ease.
Set up a consultation online by clicking here or calling us at (417) 323-6235.